If you agree that re-thinking the shape and function of our urban environments is critical to secure a healthy future as we approach the 50th anniversary Earth Day, you can help us in our work. We invite you to participate in any of the following ways, at this time mainly to support the planning and launching of our Evolution & Ecocities conference:

• Provide leads for individuals, businesses or foundations that might co-sponsor or fund Evolution & Ecocities, and possibly send special representatives.

• Contribute articles to our newsletter to keep it lively, informative, and broad in its scope of topics and opinions, and to help us in building momentum for the conference and its outcomes.

• Join Ecocity World as a supporting Patron on any of these levels:

Neighborhood Patron $100/year

City Patron $250/year

Bioregional Patron $500/year

Continental Patron $1,000/year

Ecocity World Patron $5,000/year

USA donations of $500 or more to Ecocity World are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law if directed to the WILD Foundation, our collaborative conservation partner. Please contact us for more information on making a tax-deductible contribution - a real investment in a healthier global future.

Please direct donations by check of less than $500 (or any amount if you not interested in tax-deductibility) here, or contact us for more information if you would prefer to donate by wire transfer.


Funds raised will in the near-term support planning and production of Evolution & Ecocities, but also more generally help us keep the organization’s work going and thriving. Your support will include a subscription to our online Newsletter, rich in project updates and means for positive change.

If there is an activist in you, please connect us to others who might like to join us in mobilizing our collective drive and creativity to make our planet as healthy and happy as we can. With your help, we can and must build far better cities, towns and villages.